Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pot of Gold ~ Teacher Appreciation Gift

Next week is Spring Break which means the teachers are counting down the hours until the kids go home on Friday. We decided to make little treats for them since Teacher's Appreciation Week is still a while away and they deserve to be spoiled. Check out this article (here) for confirmation, half of new teachers are quitting within five years!

We start with the following supplies from the Dollar Store:

- Black pencil holders
- One pack of pipe cleaners
- Tissue paper
- Ribbon
- Bag of chocolates (not from Dollar Store, I wanted quality chocolate for the teachers!)

The "pot of gold" is actually a black pencil holder found in the office section of the Dollar Store.

Stuff the pot of gold with some crumbled up tissue paper- the kids love this part.

Go answer the phone and come back to perfectly split up chocolates. * This is not an actual step in the tutorial ;)

Put the previously sorted chocolates on top of the crumbled up tissue paper. Create a rainbow with pipe cleaners.

Cut out a shamrock for the label. I could have done this with my cricut but wanted to involve the kids as much as possible.

Write out a cute tag and attach it to the pot of gold using some cute curly wire ribbon.

Your kids will be so proud to give these to their teachers!

Proudly linking to:

giveaways Katie's Nesting Spot

Bubbly Nature


  1. Such a SWEET idea to use a pencil holder for a teacher appreciation gift and dress it up like this! Bravo! Featuring you on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Igottacreate/100573240032625?sk=wall
    Thanks so much for linking up!
    Linky party on Wednesday nights.

  2. What a cute and creative little gift!

  3. These are so cute and I am sure they will be appreciated! :-)

  4. Pati! These are so cute! I love that you used a pencil cup. And the rainbow is lovely!! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!
