Monday, May 10, 2010

Spring Skirt

Today was the official start of the Kid's Clothes Week Challenge. I decided to make a Spring skirt for my daughter. She had picked out this fabric last year for a dress that never happened, so I was glad to find it in my stash. I used some leftover trim for the bottom from last year's 4th of July outfit.

She deemed it perfect, the fabric was cute and it was twirly!

She loves it when I make her clothes, however she gets very confused by the lack of labels. So I decided to follow Jessica's advice and simply added some ribbon to designate the "back" of the skirt.

I'm loving this challenge and hope I can keep up the rest of this week. Check out what others have made, tons of inspiration here!
Proudly linking to:

Creations by Kara make it wear it


  1. SO smart to add the ribbon for the back. Love it!

  2. Thank you for your sweet comments! I love this skirt, it's adorable. I wish I'd learned to sew so that I could have made my kids some clothes. I just never was interested enough to learn, I guess!

  3. I love, love, love that fabric!!

  4. That is WAY cute! I love the fabric, thanks for sharing!

  5. Perfect for Spring!! Thanks for linking to Make It Wear It!

  6. That fabric is the best! What a cute summer skirt. So pretty.

  7. You have so many adorable things! I love the cute fabric for your background and the design of your blog. :)
