Monday, February 7, 2011

Kid's Heart Wreath

My daughter decided she wanted to decorate her door for the holidays, so we came up with a quick craft that not only entertained her but also allowed her to practice some fine motor skills.

If you want to make one you will need: construction paper, a paper plate, pencil, template (cookie cutter), scissors, tape and foam letters (optional).

1. Trace the shape on the construction paper.

At this point you can discuss a good strategy to fit the most shapes per sheet of construction paper. I compared it to putting a puzzle together.

2. Cut out the shapes.

3. Cut out the center of the paper plate.

4. Tape (or glue) the shapes around the plate.

Work on carefully overlapping the shapes alternating colors. This is a good point to talk about patterns.

5. Place foam letters on wreath if desired, not necessary. Make one for a friend, sharing is caring!

Proudly sharing at:

abc button Katie's Nesting Spot


  1. Cute! This would be cute to do alternating with handprints, too! My clay recipe is scheduled to post tomorrow! :)

  2. Oh, this is cute. I really it. Perfect Valentine's Day craft, but can be kept up forever because kids love hearts. Fantastic idea!
