Friday, September 7, 2012

Journaling for the Heart

If you have been reading my blog for some time you probably have noticed the decrease in posts recently. To say that I have had a hard 18 months would be an understatement! My mom passed away last year in May and we lost my Dad unexpectedly this past June. My heart hurts and I've lost much of my craftiness. I find that when I have free time I spend most of it reading, perhaps as a way to escape my thoughts. With the kids back in school I am trying to take care of myself both inside and out. When I saw Ashley's The Lil Journal Project I knew it would be a great start for me!

I love keeping journals but have found it hard to write since losing my mom. I have a lot of thoughts that I need to get down on paper but that's not always easy. Perhaps that's why I'm enjoying Ashley's project so much. She has a daily prompt that makes it effortless to keep up with the writing. As you can see from my pages, I didn't buy a blank journal. Instead I am using a day planner that my parents gave me a long time ago. It has a leather cover and I love the way it feels and looks on my night table. Every time I pick it up I think of them and it warms my heart. I'm hoping to be able to write about them soon.

I hope you will join Ashley and me on this adventure! I promise you wont be sorry if you do! I'm on Day 5 and already having a great time looking back through past entries. This would also be a great thing to do with your kids.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear of your losses, and it's clear that there was a lot of love that you had for your parents - and obviously that they had for you. I think that journaling is a great way to give comfort to yourself. Know that you have our support!

  2. I know that sometimes we let our blogs take over our lives, and don't realize till something serious happens the importance of also living in the real world. We have to allow ourselves permission to take the time away. I'm so sorry for your losses. I can't even imagine.
    Your journal is so cute, and has actually made me want to get even more creative with my journal. I am loving this project and glad that it brought me to your lovely blog.


  3. Hi Pati,
    This is the first time I've been to your blog and I found it through Ashley's "The Lil Journal Project", which I am doing also!
    I can relate to what you are going through and I am so sorry you are dealing with so much loss right now.
    I also have a hard time being "crafty" anymore, because of similar circumstances and I'm hoping that this journaling adventure will bring me out of my dark cloud. It's fun to have people to share it with, so I'm glad I found you and your blog!
    Take Care & God Bless You!

  4. Hi, Pati. I'm participating in the Lil Journal Project as well. I'm so sorry for your recent sadness. It looks like from the other comments here that many of us understand all to well what it's like to lose the outlet of our creativity for a time. I hope this project will bring us all much joy!

  5. Hi Pati,
    I also found you through the Lil Journal Project. I am so sorry for the profound losses you are dealing with. I recognize that we don't know each other but I want you to know you will be in my prayers tonight. Thinking about you and your family. We all loose our way as a result of challenges in life. I hope that this journal helps you heal.
