A Máma Angel
My life was turned upside down last April when I got a call saying my mom was in a coma. I immediately rushed to Spain hoping for a miracle. Some might say she never knew that I was there with her, but I would like to think differently. I spent our time together talking to her, giving her kisses & massages and telling her how much we all loved her. In the end she was too good for us and earned her angel wings mid-May.
There were many hard times to follow that dreadful day, but perhaps the hardest was when I had to tell my 5 year old daughter that her grandmother had gone to Heaven. I will never forget that afternoon, it was truly heartbreaking. We talked, cried and hugged for a long time. I wanted to make sure she continued to share her feelings about what happened, so the next day I planned a craft. We would make an angel to remember Máma.
While this angel might seem like just another recycled toilet paper roll craft, to us it was much more. While we gathered our supplies we talked about my mom. We recalled her beautiful hair, how she LOVED the color blue and what we both thought she'd be doing right now in Heaven. I won't lie and say it was a happy craft, but amidst the crying there were some smiles. And while it didn't bring her back, it allowed us to feel like we were close to her.
Thanks for being here, I'll get back to regular blogging soon.Proudly linking to:
What a lovely idea, sorry to hear your Mum left you - I bet you miss her with all yuur heart :-(
Sorry about your mom, but this is a lovely way that you chose to remember her with your daughter.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. It's always so hard to lose a parent.
What a very special way to honor your mom and start the healing with your daughter.
When my dad died my children were 14 and 18 so they were older and better able to understand, but it's always hard for children to lose a grandparent.
Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!
Sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss. This is a beautiful idea and a beautiful post.
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